Friday, May 27, 2011

Akoo is a wonderful torture device.

This is the shizz.
Next time you're at your local mall's food court, check to see if it has various tv monitors and the sound system hooked up to Akoo. Akoo is a video music service that allows you to use your mobile phone to text your video requests in and then see them get played.

Of course, the real thrill is setting up your own account at MyAkoo and making requests remotely. Yes, you don't even have to be at the mall to enjoy abusing the service. I routinely enjoy setting up a long queue of absolutely shitty country music videos that will be be played to the food court's patrons and hopefully ruining their otherwise joyful meals.

Now, when I'm actually at the food court, I take it upon myself to request things I actually like, which most of today's mallrats probably won't, so it's still a ton of fun. Anyway, give Akoo a shot and see what terrible experiments you can try out as well. You're guaranteed to at ruin at least one person's day with some crappy music, and that's always a good time.