Tuesday, March 8, 2011

I believe in Elvis Costello again.

I believe in Elvis Costello again, albeit because of a recording made during the prime of his career.  I love E.C. up to a certain point...let's say the Punch the Clock LP.  Then after that, nothing until Brutal Youth.  Parts of Blood and Chocolate, I guess to go before that, and bits of Spike afterward, and maybe barely a song here and there after that.

It's always struck me as odd how artists like Costello who can be some damned brilliant feel like they have to pursue these outright boring ideas and follow every whim that takes them farther away from what originally made them so great.  Elvis could easily crank out another Trust if not a My Aim Is True or This Year's Model.  I don't mean be punky and all, but fer chrissakes at least energetic and interesting.

Anyway, I dunno how I missed its release last year, but while I was browsing through iTunes last night, I saw that the entire Hollywood High show had been released.  Having been a fan of the three track EP culled from the show and released with the original LP pressings of Armed Forces (and later appended to the excellent Ryko reissue of the album), this purchase was a no-brainer.  The Attractions during their peak?  Hell yes, I want to hear 20 tracks of that, please.

I listened to Live at Hollywood High last night and wasn't disappointed with my ten dollar purchase.  It reminded me of why I love Elvis Costello and made me yearn for him to do something electrifying once again.  I know this probably won't ever come to pass.  The Juliet Letters was more of a warning shot that things were going to eventually go awry more than Almost Blue ever was.  And then of course there was the detours with Bacharach, etc.  I even saw the guy live a few years ago and the fucking show was mired thanks to his inclusion of Emmylou Harris.  Jesus.

But whatever.  This album is amazing and I dig it.  Thank you, El, for being amazing long ago.  Maybe it's time to start tooting again.