He had an idea. Oh, yes. |
1. Elvis Presley's "naughty first take" of "Blue Suede Shoes"
Elvis always had a randy sense of humor, and this was quite evident in some recent unearthed tapes of him recording Carl Perkins' "Blue Suede Shoes," which, of course became a big hit for him. But Elvis's first few attempts had him wanting to sing one of the lines a bit differently. The following is studio chatter between Elvis and the recording engineer.
Elvis: "Hey man, let's do something different with this one line."
Engineer: "Which one?"
EP: "Right here, where it goes 'You can burn my house, steal my car, drink my liquor from an old fruit jar.'"
E: "OK, what did you have in mind?"
EP: "I thought it'd be better if I sang "Drink my pee pee from an old fruit jar."
E: "What?"
EP: "Yeah."
E: "I don't...I don't quite...'Drink my pee pee from an old fruit jar'?"
EP: "Yeah, man. Let's just try it. I wanna hear it that way and if it's no good we'll take it straight."
E: "All right...'Blue Suede Shoes, Take One.'"
And so Elvis runs through three incomplete takes of this version with everyone else busting out laughing every time. Apparently, Presley wasn't amused.
EP: "I don't know what you're laughin' at. This is probably gonna be a hit!"
Two more aborted attempts later, Elvis decides to record it the way it was written. The rest is history.
Sing about it loud and proud, Robert. |
2. Led Zeppelin's sound check of "In My Time of Dying" in Chicago
Led Zep had been working and re-working "In My Time of Dying" for quite a while by the time this chestnut was recorded during a sound check in Chicago. During the big part where Robert Plant usually started his "Oh my Jesus" plea, this time he had a different idea.
"I'm gonna go for it all this time, Jonesy!" he says excitedly. Next thing you know, Plant starts chanting the following mantra, 15 times in a row:
"Oh my penis! Oh my penis! Oh my penis! Whoa my penis!"
This seemed more like something Jim Morrison would have done, but the band went right along with it, not missing a beat. After the song ends, Plant says,
"I'm all sticky. Yeah, groovy."